Stock Code




AgNi Contact Material
Product Introduction

AgNi materials have good electrical and thermal conductivity, low and steady contact resistance, high welding resistance and arc erosion resistance under small and medium current and strong resistance to material transfer under DC conditions; AgNi materials have relatively poor welding resistance under medium and heavy current conditions. However, if used in pairs with AgC and other materials, its defect of poor welding resistance can be offset.

Product Category
MBE Series
Features and Application


Note: Specific product parameters should be subject to customer requirements

Product Performance
(1)Low and steady temperature rise
(1)Low and steady temperature rise
(2)Features and performance of DSC thermal analysis
(2)Features and performance of DSC thermal analysis
(3)Fracture appearance of material
(3)Fracture appearance of material
(4)Mechanical characteristic curve
(4)Mechanical characteristic curve
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