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Product Advantages
The welding surface is usually made of iron base materials, which are easy to weld.
The welding surface is usually made of iron base materials, which are easy to weld.
There is welding spot or welding line to reduce the welding current. It is easy to weld and its impact on parts deformation is small.
There is welding spot or welding line to reduce the welding current. It is easy to weld and its impact on parts deformation is small.
Schematic View


Note: The data is only for customer reference.

Product Material

Welding layer: iron or Fe-based alloy、copper-nickel alloy.

Middle layer: copper or copper alloy.

Working layer: fine grain silver, AgCdO, AgSnO2, AgNi, AgCu etc.

Product Application
The product is mainly applied in thermostat.
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