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Profiled Strip or Contact
Product Introduction

Profiled strip is developed to meet the requirements of electronic and electrical products for miniaturization, sensitivity and integration.

Product Advantages
Comprehensive advantages of various materials, applicable for multiple performance requirement
Comprehensive advantages of various materials, applicable for multiple performance requirement
Good bonding strength, precise dimension, smooth surface and high wear resistance
Good bonding strength, precise dimension, smooth surface and high wear resistance
Weldable through spot welding with decent positioning and appearance as well as high electromechanical stability.
Weldable through spot welding with decent positioning and appearance as well as high electromechanical stability.
Cost saving by reducing the amount of precious metals.Customized shapes and dimensions are available upon request.
Cost saving by reducing the amount of precious metals.Customized shapes and dimensions are available upon request.
Metallographic Structures (cross sections)

Note: The shapes above are only used as reference for customer design.

Product Material

Solid: AgCu, AgCuZnNi, AgAuPdPt, AgCuNi, AgCuPd, AgCuIn etc.


  • Surface layer: Au, AuAg, AgPd, AuAgPd, AgCuNi etc.

  • Middle layer: Ag, AgPd, AgNi, AuAg etc.

  • Base layer: Cu, CuNi, BZn, Fe etc.

The materials above are only used as reference for customer design.

Product Application

It is broadly used in communication relay, miniature switch, press button, automotive control relay, digital switch relay and digital switch etc.

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