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Mineral Alloy
Product Introduction

Mineral alloy is a kind of hard alloy used especially in rock drilling tools. It is mainly used in mining tools, cutter heads of shield tunneling machines, teeth of road excavators and other mining tools. It has extremely high thermal conductivity, high fracture toughness and red hardness, good thermal fatigue and thermal shock resistance, and it is suitable for continuous mining of soft rock under extreme working conditions (such as coal mining, tunnel digging and subway construction) and continuous operations of modern roads and bridges (such as road digging and paving). Coarse grained hard alloys have certain wear resistance and high toughness.

Product Advantages
Coarse grained hard alloys have certain wear resistance and high toughness.
Coarse grained hard alloys have certain wear resistance and high toughness.
Product Properties


Special carbide can be produced as per customer’s request.

Product Application

Infrastructure: Road excavator, Tunnel boring machine.

Coal mining: Coal winning machine

Petroleum exploration and mining: Oil drilling machine

主站蜘蛛池模板: 峡江县| 贡山| 湟中县| 长葛市| 项城市| 栖霞市| 陇南市| 申扎县| 沐川县| 娄烦县| 美姑县| 分宜县| 泗洪县| 收藏| 龙江县| 电白县| 治县。| 六安市| 陇川县| 大埔区| 抚顺县| 泰州市| 铜鼓县| 花莲县| 吴忠市| 阳信县| 商水县| 内乡县| 连城县| 通化市| 金山区| 富民县| 丽水市| 开化县| 兰溪市| 元氏县| 武鸣县| 赞皇县| 博客| 塔河县| 东光县|