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Product Introduction

It is a kind of clad metals  taking low-carbon steel as the base material and formed by cladding with copper material in two or one side. It does not only have the high electrical and thermal conductivity of copper, but also have the high strength, high toughness and low cost features of steel. By adjusting the thickness ratio of copper layer, materials with various resistivities can be obtained, which is a good substitute for some coppers, brasses and other materials. Compared with iron plated copper material, this material has stable multilayer (copper layer) performance, and the thickness of the multilayer is uniform and controllable.

Product Advantages
Performance advantages of copper and steel.
Good bonding strength, compactness and wear-resistance.
Low resistivity, controllable and adjustable.
Current skin effect, better temperature rise performance.
Product Application

The product is widely applied in industrial appliances, decorations, automobiles, military products and other fields.

主站蜘蛛池模板: 萍乡市| 拉萨市| 新田县| 罗平县| 合肥市| 阆中市| 宿迁市| 彰化县| 什邡市| 泾阳县| 个旧市| 峨眉山市| 武夷山市| 龙口市| 武功县| 营口市| 平昌县| 武鸣县| 福海县| 竹北市| 福州市| 阿城市| 榆中县| 旌德县| 抚松县| 黑山县| 安新县| 张家港市| 佛山市| 河津市| 大荔县| 西昌市| 宣武区| 息烽县| 兴安县| 吴川市| 樟树市| 四子王旗| 余姚市| 广东省| 侯马市|