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Establish standard awareness and strengthen quality concept: Wenzhou Hongfeng held the 2022 Summary and Commendation Conference of Quality-themed Month
Release time:2022.09.24

To see the concept of quality development embodied, raise the quality awareness of all employees, and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of the enterprise, Hongfeng commended individuals and groups with outstanding performance acknowledged in the annual activities of Quality-themed Month. On the afternoon of September 24, Hongfeng held the 2022 Summary and Commendation Conference of Quality-themed Month in the auditorium on the fourth floor of the factory building located in the Marine Economic Development Demonstration Zone, attended by some senior executive officers, heads of departments, and all employees of Hongfeng, and presided over by Pang Haotian, the vice president.

At the conference, a summary report was made on the 2022 Quality-themed Month activities; the “Decision on Commending Groups and Individuals with Outstanding Performance in the 2022 Quality-themed Month Activities” was announced, and individuals and groups with outstanding performance acknowledged in the activities were commended. Arrangements and deployments were made for the next stage of work on quality.

Vice President Pang Haotian made a concluding speech at the conference. President Pang first highly affirmed the achievements made in the Quality-themed Month activities, congratulated the award-winning groups and individuals, and talked about the problems uncovered this time. He hoped that everyone would follow the example of the groups and individuals commended at this conference, make persistent efforts, and be strict with themselves by referencing the standards and norms of the example, with a resolution of making further progress in the work on quality. Hongfeng’s campaign for quality improvement is a battle that must be won, and solid efforts shall be sustained for guaranteeing Hongfeng’s high-quality development. 

Participants expressed that in the activities, new goals for the follow-up work of quality management were clarified, and they would keep in mind that “quality is the lifeline of an enterprise, and safety is the guarantee of life” and strive relentlessly to build Hongfeng into a leading brand of excellent quality by following the examples established in the Quality-themed Month activities.

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